Moho Featured Artist: Aaron Brown · AB Positive
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is Aaron Brown, AB Positive director! 🔥 Aaron uses Moho as his main 2D animation software ✨
Tell us about you
I started my career as a digital illustrator, but quickly discovered Flash and taught myself to animate. From there I taught myself to code and produced interactive and animated content for every major family entertainment company in the U.S. (Disney, Marvel, Pixar, Warner Bros., DreamWorks, PBS, LucasFilm, LEGO, etc.).
About 5 years ago I spent a painful week trying to learn ToonBoom Harmony to see if it would be a viable pipeline for the studio I was at. Frustrated, I searched the internet for an alternative to ToonBoom and I discovered Moho Pro. Everything was so intuitive, I had built my first rig and animated it within 45 minutes. I was hooked.
Shortly after that I decided to create AB Positive, startup animation studio focused on making meaningful content while utilizing a Moho Pro pipeline (primarily). Since then, we’ve produced animation for a wide variety of educational clients and non-profits, a couple of short films (coming out early next year) and we have an animated series that will start production next year.
Where do you get inspiration?
I grew up admiring Walt Disney and Jim Henson, both for their creativity and the work they produced, but also for their vision and leadership ability. They were both able to spot the talent in others and bring teams together to make inspiring films and series that hold up to this day.
What’s your hardware setup?
I have been using MacBook Pros for many years, sometimes with a Huion stylus monitor, but most recently with an iPad Pro for drawing.
What do you like best about Moho?
Moho doesn’t make things more complicated than they need to be. An experienced animator can learn the software in hours and a beginner could learn it in a day or two. The bones work exactly like I’ve always wanted bones to work in animation software. And smart actions are incredibly simple yet powerful.
How has Moho helped you in your creative process?
The ability to build a basic rig and prototype a concept quickly is invaluable. And animation goes very quickly once you have a fully functional rig.
What’s your favorite project made with Moho?
I’m proud of the two short films we’ll be releasing early next year. “Driftwood” is about a young sailor who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and “Room 20” is a mysterious film about a man trying to find himself.
How has Moho improved your pipeline workflow?
It’s so quick to create rigs that look and function well in Moho. We’ve started creating most of our vector art in Moho, too. And the ability to combine raster and vector art in 3D space is great. We’ve used Moho a lot for constructing 3D scenes and camera movement.
Where can we follow your work?
Our website is: https://www.abpositive.org/
Follow us at instagram.com/abpositivestudios and officialroom20.com