Moho Featured Artist: Digitales
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is Digitales and their children series “Our Family Life" with over 2 million subscribers on Youtube 🔥 This popular animation was fully animated with Moho! ✨
Tell us about yourself
Digitales is an award-winning digital content creation and animation company in Amman, Jordan, that specializes in Social Impact Entertainment. We are a small boutique studio, specializing in children’s content, 2D and 3D animation, digital marketing, video and film productions. Over the years, Digitales has earned its position as a leading digital content creator in the MENA region, garnering over 1 billion video views on our various platforms and programs including the multi-award winning family and parenting digital project "Our Family Life”, which began airing on YouTube in 2017.
Where do you get inspiration?
Our animation team gets inspiration from family shows like Charlie and Lola, with the combination of 2D characters in real life backgrounds, and Bluey, which successfully targets kids and their parents equally, in both the jokes and the tender moments.
What’s your hardware setup?
Our team works across a few different machines, but they are all PC: three desktops and a laptop. We have GeForce RTX graphics cards on all machines and at least 32GB of ram.
What do you like best about Moho?
The ease of use is the best part of the software. It's easy to learn and to train new team members on how to use it. And very easy to quickly whip up a new rig in just a few minutes when we have new characters for new episodes.
How has Moho improved your pipeline workflow?
Moho has definitely increased our productivity. We've been able to produce a lot more content in a shorter period of time after we switched to Moho. We have also been able to streamline our collaborative process between our studio and our partner studio, sharing files and scenes and cycles back and forth.
Can you talk about how “Our Family Life" series was made using Moho?
For "Our Family Life", we switched to Moho in 2022 in order to produce more content. Because it is an ongoing series, much like a sit-com, many of the characters and sets show up again and again every episode. Using pre-built cut out rigs just made sense. We redrew the characters in Moho to match the original style and created the new rigs. We were surprised how easy that process actually was. Our first episode using Moho exclusively was a big hit, with many of our fans commenting on the updated quality. Now, we have many reusable actions and cycles for our characters to speed things up even more, and are always updating our rigs to make them more flexible. Also, adding new characters or a change of clothes is simple, which makes our writers happy!
What is the key to make a successful series on Youtube with over 2 million subscribers?
1. Create engaging and relevant content that is evergreen. 2. Giving attention to all aspects of the production, from script writing to final render. The flow of the story is just as important as the animation, and so on. 3. Creating relatable characters that people can connect with on an emotional level is huge. 4. Listening to and engaging with our audience. We read all the comments and reply to as many as we can. As perks and prizes, we have included some of our fans as characters within our episodes, and Moho has made that an easy process.
Where can we find you?
You can find out more about what we do at Digitales below...
Website: https://digitalesmedia.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digitales-media-jordan/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digitalesjo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/digitalesjo/
Our Family Life: https://www.youtube.com/@OurFamilyLifeJO