Moho Featured Artist: Eugene Babich · Unicorn Media
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is Animation supervisor Eugene Babich from Unicorn Media and their children TV series “Teeny Mimi"🔥 This project was fully animated with Moho! ✨
Tell us about yourself
Hello, my name is Eugene Babich. I am a professional 2D animator from Ukraine and have been a Moho user since 2008. Currently, I am the animation supervisor on the Teeny Mimi project, where we have a team of nearly 30 animators. This project is being produced by Unicorn Media's 2D animation department. In addition to my supervisory role, I also teach animation to newcomers in Moho for the project and write scripts to expedite the animation creation process.
Unicorn Media is a video and animation studio. Since 2015, the company has launched dozens of successful Youtube channels and created thousands of hours of entertaining and engaging content for all ages. Unicorn's team consists of 800+ video and animation professionals and is expanding. Their content is available in 18 languages and is enjoyed by people all over the world. And their channels consistently rank as some of the most watched on Youtube.
Where do you get inspiration?
Currently, I am inspired by the people who are defending my country.
What’s your hardware setup?
I'm using an Intel i7 9700k, 64GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 370, along with my trusty old Wacom PTZ-930. I've been using the Wacom for 14 years and still don't want to replace it, as it holds sentimental value for me.
What do you like best about Moho?
I like the rigging system in Moho, especially after the introduction of smart bones, and the way the timeline is implemented. The ability to create my own scripts, and use a vast library of scripts from other authors, is one of the most important features in Moho for me. Also, I like that Moho allows solving a task in several ways, so the user can choose what suits them best. Just look at the variety of techniques and ideas for rigging from the Moho community, and you'll be amazed at the broad functionality available.
How has Moho improved your pipeline workflow?
Moho is a great tool when there is a need to produce a large volume of animation with recurring characters. Since you have to work with pre-rigged characters, it requires time to create them before you can start animating. However, we have our own tools that allow us to create characters more quickly. We have a partial Auto-Rig for the hands and legs of characters, and the ability to transfer different parts from one character to others and resize them without breaking their mechanics. For example, transferring rigged eyes and mouth from one character to another. In this way, the amount of manual work required is significantly reduced.
Can you talk about how “Teeny Mimi" series was made using Moho?
I suggested using Moho for this project, as in my opinion, Moho is perfectly suited for this style of animation. The combination of scripts and the simple character design allowed us to create characters and props more quickly, effectively balancing the time spent between rigging and animating. By the way, most of my scripts are openly available on the website https://mohoscripts.com/
Where can we find you?
I have a YouTube channel, MultRush, where I post Moho tutorials and scripts. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/@MultRush/videos. I don't have any other social media, but you can find me on the official Moho Forum and Discord.
Check Unicorn Media's website for more information of their popular content at https://unicorn.media/.
Watch "Teeny Mimi" on Youtube in the channel: