Moho Featured Artist: Faviel Ferrada
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is Faviel Ferrada and his animated project "National Day"! 🔥 Faviel uses Moho as his main 2D animation software ✨
Tell us about yourself
I'm an artist from Chile. As a kid in the 80's I grew up in the middle of the cartoon/ merchandising frenzy, and that influence made me fall in love with art and its possibilities for entertainment.
Where do you get inspiration?
Online mainly. I like to do research in many areas, not only animation. Pop culture is always a vast field where to find inspiration.
What’s your hardware setup?
A middle size desktop PC with three monitors including a graphic tablet.
What do you like best about Moho?
I like many things about Moho. I've always considered it a very intelligent software, with all the elements you need without unnecessary features. It doesn't have excessive panels or annoying processes. It has many "hidden" tricks that you can learn to improve your results. Its capacity is very impressive and it all depends on the user. You can do very simple things or make extremely complex scenes or characters.
How has Moho helped you in your creative process?
Well, in many ways, but I think the best thing about Moho is that gives me freedom.
I'm not kidding. I was so emotional when I discovered Moho in 2007 that I wrote a page talking about the new tool that brought a key to freelance artists.
I worked in a couple of studios in those days and I saw how difficult and expensive traditional animation was, I mean in technical terms. As an artist it was almost impossible to be able to concrete a demo or personal project without the help of an established studio. Suddenly, I had a tool in my hands that allowed me to make professional looking animations, at any resolution, multi-plane images....and above all, the possibility to recycle elements, edit them at any time, etc... Moho for me was revolutionary!
Can you tell us about “National Day” animation and how it was made with Moho?
"Journey of a Bird" was a project for my client Hanan Ghaith from Dubai. She asked for an animated short to commemorate the 50th anniversary of UAE. It was a very tight schedule and I had to use all my experience to deliver it in time with a good result.
How has Moho improved your pipeline workflow?
Moho has improved my pipeline in many ways! The most important for me it's the animation itself. Moho gives me the chance to work the scenes faster, establishing the timing very quickly. First, I do the "blocking", which is a series of key poses with no interpolation but clear enough to give a sense of rhythm and acting. Then, I duplicate that layer changing the keyframes from "step" to "smooth" interpolation, trying to keep the timing. Finally, it's just a matter of exaggerating a few things here, changing the spacing a bit there, and suddenly I get a quite good scene to show to the client. I also do "tra-digital", so I think that the possibility of adjusting the timing and spacing in a non destructive way it's just amazing. In productions involving a team of artists, Moho can be used in a very "industrial" way, so the tasks can be divided to optimize the resources.
Where can we find you?
I have a few portfolio pages:
- Facebook pages: Faviel Ferrada Portfolio / Faviel Ferrada Mascotas y Logos
- ArtStation: Faviel Ferrada
- Website: favielferradaportfolio.blogspot.com