Moho Featured Artist: La Granja de Tata Toro - Children animated TV Series
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is "La Granja de Tata Toro", a Children Animated TV Series ! 🔥 It's been created by The Magic Factory Producciones and they use Moho as their main 2D animation software ✨
Tell us about yourself
“La granja de Tata Toro” (Tata Toro’s Farm) was an original idea created at the beginning of 2013 as a result of great conversations with country people. We realized there was a story to tell about agro-ecology as main concept. Tata (grandfather) Toro (bull) was born under this premise: a wise and old bull who teaches us how to save the environment, specially to Chalo the dog, some sort of antihero. That was the main idea which changed through time until what we have today: a children TV series about adventures, comedy and environmental teaching, all in one!
Where do you get inspiration?
Our initial references in terms of visual style include series like Camp Lazlo and Ren & Stimpy. We got inspired from them and their asymmetric shape designs, lifeful colors and textures that achieve an interesting proposal plus the influence of old cartoons characterized by key poses, anticipation and overshoots. Narratively, there’s a strong reference to Disney’s series like Gravity Falls, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, and some other classic anime series from the 90s like Digimon.
What’s your hardware setup?
For this project we equipped our team with computers using Intel Core i5, 8Gb RAM and Nvidia GTX graphic cards. Moho run pretty well considering the series script required a high quantity of animated characters on screen and lots of action sequences. Even if there’s more powerful machines, in pandemic times we had to produce with what we already had, so Moho demonstrated us its fully efficiency and potential.
What do you like best about Moho?
We really like how friendly Moho is when animating. It’s quite easy to animate using the timeline making keyframes, using cameras, and its powerful image warp meshes! It’s very satisfactory to animate layers and motion curves at the same time, specially being able to watch the render version right away!
How has Moho helped you in your creative process?
Despite other studios using Moho as a complementary tool, we used it as our main animation software, but also to create props and characters! We also used it to produce educational motion graphics inside the series. Even for animatic scenes that we thought they were going to be too complex, the results were so professional and spectaculars.
Can you tell us about Tata Toro and how it was made with Moho?
We had a production schedule of 14 months (120 minutes of animation approximately, almost a feature film), something quite tight, and we needed a friendly software but at the same time one that could ensure us professional results and offer flexibility to our animators. Tata Toro’s universe is a world of talking animals, each one with its story and personality, which should be reflected in a non-generical animation style for them, avoiding flat movements that tend to happen in some TV shows. Thanks to Moho, we were able to animate closer to what a typical frame by frame production achieves, like for example our main characters facial expressions and their funny movements.
Would you consider Moho an industry tool?
Absolutely! Moho it’s at the same level of its competitors and even better than some of them due to its smart and Vitruvian bones. Despite this, nowadays’ animation techniques are being pushed forward and maybe Moho should continue improving its drawing tools to make them look closer to traditional art and enhance the bone’s possibilities. We’d love to see more frame by frame options and drawing tools, mainly brushes, so here’s a tip: There could be a button to create an animation interpolation between two frames, to achieve a more fluid and stronger animation quality!
Where can we follow and watch Tata Toro?
By the end of 2021, “La Granja de Tata Toro” will be broadcasted by “La Red”, a Chilean Television Network https://www.lared.cl/ (and surely in other Latin American countries through its associated networks).
Also our web series called “Tata Toro Web Toons” will be available to watch in our site www.tatatorolaserie.cl, our Youtube and Vimeo channels, with English subtitles.
You can check more about The Magic Factory Producciones in their Facebook Page.