Moho Featured Artist: Víctor Descalzo
Mario Quinones @
This week our Moho Featured Artist is Víctor Descalzo🔥 Víctor is a Barcelona based animator, illustrator and freelance motion designer who uses Moho as his main 2D animation software ✨
Tell us about yourself
I'm Víctor Descalzo, Barcelona based animator, illustrator and freelance motion designer. I've 10 years of working experience and I've worked for brands like Toyota, Nescafé, Disney+, El Corte Inglés and Caixabank.
Where do you get inspiration?
I like to try different illustration styles and adapt them to the way I like to animate. The inspiration comes from a diverse range of artists I admire and follow in my social networks, and whom I'd rather not mention to avoid plagiarism lawsuits.
What’s your hardware setup?
IntelCore i7-9750H 2.60 GHz 32,0 GB
I draw and animate directly with the mouse, although I have a Wacom tablet since a couple of months. I'm trying to get used to but with a moderate success.
What do you like best about Moho?
I like how versatile Moho is to make projects for motion design or others types of animation. I even use it for lettering jobs or character animation with the same workflow. I also love how easy you can work with vector tools or Photoshop files.
How has Moho helped you in your creative process?
I learnt to animate with Moho (back then it was called Anime Studio) and it's practically the only software I've been using since then. My boss recommended it to me and I started working with Moho. I never imagined that it was going to be my tool-to-go when it comes to animating. I couldn't be more grateful for this discovery.
Can you tell us about the project “Formas tontas de cargarse el mundo" and how it was made with Moho?
This project is a sequel/remake of the mythical "Dumb ways to Die", with whom we've been in contact for developing this new version. For making it in Moho, we had to start it from scratch, but I've also had the opportunity to play with the characters, sceneries and give it a less rigid focus than the original from 10 years ago. The idea has been to find an equilibrium between being loyal to what people remembered but also making it look refreshed.
Would you consider Moho an industry tool?
It is for me! And I believe that once people start discovering Moho, it'll become a standard, which it's something that will make me very happy.
Where can we find you?
Instagram: www.instagram.com/victordescalzo
Website: www.victordescalzo.com
Bonus for people over 40: